e-WorkSAFE will be an exhibitor at the ESTMP Workshop in Edmonton, Alberta from March 20-23. We look forward to the first in-person event of 2022 and welcome the opportunity to meet current and potential customers and partners as well as the opportunity to learn from industry experts with a shared interest in electrical safety.

The Workshop provides a forum for exchanging ideas and practical experiences involving knowledge, safe work practices, philosophies, electrical technology, maintenance, and projects experience that are changing within the industry. Targeted audiences include, but not limited to, people involved in electrical in these areas of interest:

Facilities Construction, Operation and Maintenance
Facilities and Process Design
Engineering Services
Training and Continuing Education
Regulations, Codes, and Standards
Root Cause Analysis
Risk Management
Human Error and Human Factors
Project Management
Project Engineering

About IEEE ESTMP Workshop
The IEEE IAS ESTMP Workshop provides a forum for exchanging and advancing industry knowledge in the areas of electrical safety, engineering, project optimization, maintenance and reliability of electrical systems. The Workshop is designed to share new and innovative concepts, best practices, and lessons learned that deliver high value and stimulate innovation.