Health & Safety Professionals – Energized Electrical Work Permit (EEWP)

1.  What is an EEWP?

According to CSA Standard Z462, an EEWP is a document which captures:

    • Description of the work to be performed and electrical circuits involved,
    • Justification for performing the work live (or “energized”),
    • Results of Shock and Arc Flash Risk Assessments,
    • Authorizing management signature.


2.  When should Health & Safety Professionals use an EEWP?

CSA Z462 states that an EEWP is required whenever work is to be performed on live (or energized) electrical circuits, with some exceptions:

    • Testing, troubleshooting or voltage testing,
    • Visual, thermography or ultrasound inspections if the restricted approach boundary is not crossed.


3.  What Should You Do?

  • Check that all staff and contractor electricians create Z462-compliant EEWPs prior to performing energized electrical work.
  • Confirm that a process is in place to have authorized management approval of all EEWPs
  • Confirm that all approved EEWPs are stored and accessible to prove compliance in case of audit or incident.

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Next Steps

Download Your EEWP Checklist

Download a Sample EEWP

Read our Case Study to learn how the City of London  handles Workplace Electrical Safety.


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