Health and Safety Professionals – CSA Z462

1. What is CSA Standard Z462?

  • CSA Z462 covers Workplace Electrical Safety and deals primarily with how electrical work is performed, and includes specifications for:
    • safe work procedures for persons working on electrical equipment; and
    • PPE for electrical workers and maintenance personnel.


2. Why should Health & Safety Professionals care?

  • CSA Z462 is referenced in the Canadian Electrical Code,
  • Electrical incidents often occur during routine maintenance or service work at the facility,
  • This risk may be elevated if work is performed by contractors unfamiliar with the infrastructure,
  • Electrical incidents represent:
    • Safety risk of worker injuries or fatalities
    • Financial risk
      • Cost to repair damaged equipment
      • Lost operations due to damaged infrastructure.


3. What Should You Do About It?

  • Confirm that your facility has an up-to-date Electrical Safety Program document,
  • Check that an Incident Energy Analysis (Arc Flash Study) has been conducted in the last 5 year,
  • Confirm that all maintenance staff have access to the latest 2021 edition of CSA Standard Z462,
  • Check that all staff and contractor electricians create Z462-compliant Job Safety Plans prior to performing electrical work, and
  • Download our CSA Z462 Checklist (below).

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Read our Case Study to learn how London Health Sciences handles Workplace Electrical Safety.


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